A Los Angeles native, Samantha grew up in Playa del Rey just 5 miles from the heart of Venice. Visiting and reporting on this neighborhood provoked many cries of “I used to go to that restaurant!” and “I bought my first bike there!” Samantha’s beach bum origins show themselves through her love of water, where she learned to swim by age 2 and which she earned a SCUBA diver’s license by age 12 in order to explore. Although she is now studying arts journalism as a grad student at the Annenberg School of Communication & Journalism at USC, Samantha still pines for the cool sea breezes of her coastal neighborhood (though, it must be admitted, not the sounds of LAX airplanes overhead).
Leila Dee Dougan
Leila grew up in South Africa, Cape Town and has been loitering around the dirty streets of Venice since her arrival (no more than 3 weeks ago). The various characters fascinate her, as do the fresh fruit treats you can buy along the way. Venice has grown on her like a fungus.
Najeeb Hasan
Najeeb Hasan is a Los Angeles native, but not really. He left when he was six, traveled widely, and found himself reporting in Venice for at least a week, maybe longer, if people like his stuff.
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